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6.6 years ago
Making a temporary transition for NGS sequencing back to Sanger and need a little help with simulating test files. We are working on validating software for variant calling from Sanger sequencing data and are looking to simulate AB1 files. We are hoping to introduce known variants and validate both the software and the potential users. Are there any tools available for accurately Simulating AB1 files from a Fasta reference sequence. What considerations should be made for ensuring the most accurate simulation? Command Line options are welcome. Thanks in advance.
We have had discussions about AB1 files on biostars in past. Writing AB1 files is likely not trivial (format specification) and I don't immediately recollect package/software that can create those files.
An old thread may be of interest: Is there a way to access the data stored in a .ab1 file ?
From bitter personal experience the ABI file format specification document is not accurate or complete.
I don't know of any publicly available software that can generate .ab1 files, but we have developed one which we use in house. It might be best if you are still interested in this question to get in contact with me directly.
Hi, I know your comment was posted very long time ago, but I am facing a similar problem. Would you like to share more about the script to export ab1 files?