As the title. I do not known how to download human reference transcriptome. Who can help me.
Is the website
As the title. I do not known how to download human reference transcriptome. Who can help me.
Is the website
There are several versions of the human transcriptome. One often used is ENSEMBL, to get protein coding genes and non-coding RNA:
Thanks very much.
I am reading a paper. It written "a human reference transcriptome derived from hg19 build of human genome" and "This transcriptome contains 214294 transcripts and occupied 96446089 bytes as a gzipped FASTA file". Maybe the version your provided is not identical the paper mentioned?
hg19 transcripts from Ensembl archive are available here or as wget
Most certainly it is not, but I would have to know the folder where the transcriptome is saved to be certain for sure.
"A human reference transcriptome derived from hg19 build of human genome" and "this transcriptome contains 214294 transcripts and occupied 96446089 bytes as a gzipped FASTA file" are only moderately useful to describe a transcriptome. But if the manuscript you are referring to is this paper, then it doesn't mater because:
1) the version of the transcriptome is unlikely to play a substantial roe in their results 2) you can use any different human transcriptome to encode / decode fastq files, provided you use the same transcriptome for both encoding / decoding the same files.
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Hi! Follow up to this thread - has any managed to download a matching .gtf file? I am trying to download a transcriptome for use in creating .bam files in kallisto to be viewed using IGV, but the .bam files I'm producing don't show any reads when I upload them to the program, and I suspect it's because the .gtf and .fa files were downloaded from different places.
human GTF file can be found here.