At this time only one gene is plotted on the cluster. Can I plot two genes simultaneously in different colors on the clusters? if so how can I do that.
The cols.use parameter indicate, respectively, low expression of both genes, high expression of LYZ, high epxression of CD8A, and high expression of both genes. Of course, you can change the colours and genes as you prefer, but keep in mind that you can only use two genes and four colours. If you pass less than four colours the other colours are going to be defined automatically by Seurat.
@Za There are a few different ways you can do that. I suggest you create a new post with your question detailing a bit how your list of cells is stored.
Let me see if I understood correctly: you wish to plot the expression of several genes, each with a different colour, in a single tSNE plot?
Yes that is exactly what I want to do