Hello clever community!
I need your advice. I am working on a de novo plant genome assembly of ~400 Mb. I have Chromium 10x data, which was assembled with supernova. I also have Illumina paired end reads. Now I have additional data of PacBio reads, 120x roughly. The genome is diploid and I am thinking about using Falcon.
What do you think should be the best strategy:
Assembling PacBio reads and then using a tool to integrate the two assemblies? Is there anything like this? Which tool would you use?
Using a tool that can assemble the genome from both the chromium and the PacBio reads? Is there anything like it?
Assembling the PacBio reads and using chromium 10x and the illumina for polishing? If I assemble with Falcon, what tool should I use for polishing?
4? Anything else that I am missing to get the best out of what I can get?
Thank you very much in advance! Alex
Give a look to the BioNano optical maps and its use in getting an assembled genome
What do the results of the chromium assembly look like? What about the Illumina PE reads? Have you tried to assemble them? It would be useful to see some stats of what those two assemblies look like.
Here is a nice tutorial about how to polish PacBio assemblie: Polish PacBio assembly with latest PacBio tools : an affordable solution for everyone
Thanks. Re: 10x assembly: it is ~200Mb size after ordering with ALLMAPs which is 2/3 of the expected size. BUSCO shows 88% complete plant BUSCOs. Illumina repeats were never successfully assembled. I actually am thinking of doing it now.
DBG2OLC is a hybrid assembler.
Thanks, Ric. will check it out.