I have been using different tools for reconstrucing a phylogenetic tree from data file. The tools provide different searching algorithms to be chosen for searching the best tree from data file. 'Closest-neighbour-interchange' (CNI) and 'Nearest-neighbour-interchnage' (NNI) are among those.
I want to understand, what makes the two algorithms, 'Closest-neighbour-interchange' and 'Nearest-neighbour-interchnage' different from each other?? How do the two search differently? What is the preference of chosing any of the algorithm??
It would also be helpful if I can get comparative/ or any literature data for this.
On the face of it, given that closest is synonym to nearest, the two algorithms should be the same. However, there may be implementation details that make the tools work differently. The question can't be answered without you indicating which tools you are using or pointing to a description of the two algorithms and their implementation.
Oh sorry for that, I forgot to mention that I was talking about MEGA software. And I think I have found my answer in suggestions by other.
Thankyou for your helpful response.