I have the following dataset: Normalised gene counts of 6 different groups, 2 replicates per group( eg. group 1: E13_5_meninges; group 1 replicates: E13_5_meninges_1, E13_5_meninges_2. I want to plot in the same graph the normalised gene counts for each condition. Anyone can help on how I should do this?
ensembl_gene_id E13_5_meninges_1 E13_5_meninges_2
<chr> <dbl> <dbl>
1 ENSMUSG0000000… 6342. 6238.
2 ENSMUSG0000000… 771. 768.
3 ENSMUSG0000000… 40981. 43835.
4 ENSMUSG0000000… 311. 265.
5 ENSMUSG0000000… 1364. 1378.
6 ENSMUSG0000000… 1035. 1106.
7 ENSMUSG0000000… 4285. 3985.
8 ENSMUSG0000000… 870. 866.
9 ENSMUSG0000000… 918. 994.
10 ENSMUSG0000000… 1266. 1304.
Do you want a plot with a jitter like a beeswarm plot?
Yes. So, I have 18103 entries, but I am interested in looked at normalised counts of particular genes in my different groups.
It wouldn't make sense to plot all 18k entries with beeswarms, but for the particular genes of interest (significantly different between two or more groups) the beeswarm would be a solution. In the link you can read how to make these plots, if you get stuck in the code, please post your code and an example of the data.