Dear all,
I have a number of X_R1_001.fastq.gz X_R2_001.fastq.gz and I would to match them. I have seen a pipeline where they give this:
# R1 and R2 matching with for i in Filter-Cutadapt-Demul*.fastq; do perl -f $i -r Filter-Cutadapt-R2.fastq -of Paired-$i -or R2-Paired-$i -os Single-$i; done
but the perl script is not given. Does anybody know how to match the fastq.gz files? I would like trying matching them because when I run the bwa mem I get this:
[M::process] read 66226 sequences (10000126 bp)...[M::process] read 66226 sequences (10000126 bp)..[M::mem_pestat] # candidate unique pairs for (FF, FR, RF, RR): (0, 144, 0, 0)[M::mem_pestat] skip orientation FF as there are not enough pairs[M::mem_pestat] analyzing insert size distribution for orientation FR...[M::mem_pestat] (25, 50, 75) percentile: (225, 294, 355)
I am not sure the solution is matching the fastq files, does anybody have a better solution? thanks in advance
What makes you believe that your two files are not matched? Normally R1 and R2 files are already matched, with which I mean the order of the reads are the same in both files.
thanks! I thought since in BWA it was not finding the pairs there was a problem with the matching.
bwa seems to find F-R (forward reverse) orientated reads, which is the most logical orientation for paired end reads.
Hi There,
Can you please explain what you mean by matching reads?
matching the reads in a way that bwa mem can find the pairs when it runs. Another thing that I don't understand is that after running:
and then I run bwa mem only for the R1 file:
when I look at both bam files I see a max coverage of 3000 for the R1 alignment and 6000 for the pair ended alignment, is it correct? because since bwa is matching I was expecting the same coverage, 3000.
Hello ieie ,
it's not clear to me what's your problem. The message you see by
bwa mem
is just a normal information. It's neither an error nor a warning.fin swimmer
My problem is that I was thinking there was an error in bwa while trying to find the pairs. But I understand now that this messages are just saying that it skips the FF or FR orientation because there are not enough pairs but uses another orientation. thanks for your answer.