How should i add my data (for eg. a BAM file) as URL (either http, https or ftp)?
Thanks in advance.
Regards Raman
How should i add my data (for eg. a BAM file) as URL (either http, https or ftp)?
Thanks in advance.
Regards Raman
You might get lucky and be able to use usegalaxy.org or usegalaxy.eu (don't know what their quotas are). Galaxy will create temporary links for UCSC and similar sites. Realistically, you'll want to make a bigWig so you can navigate your coverage data in a reasonable amount of time. That will also be vastly smaller.
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Based on this statment
I am going to recommend trying IGV on your local system first
It can be run on your desktop, and also headlessly from your Linux server via X11 window + ssh
Thanks. I have tried IGV :)
Hello rse ,
your post is missing essential information about what you are trying to do and why. Please elaborate more on it, so someone can help you .
fin swimmer
Hello fin swimmer,
I want to view my data in public browsers (UCSC, Ensembl). So i want to add my data to a public url.