Total noob here. Differential Binding Analysis of ChIP-seq peaksets is my main goal, so i found Diffbind. I have 3 samples(single-end), 2 replicates each ( 0h, 3h, 6h), so in total 6 fastq files. First I used bwa mem for mappin, then samtools view to convert sam to bam, samtools sort, samtools markdup to remove duplicates and last to keep unique reads. The command was :
bwa mem -t <threads> 'reference.fa' xx.fastq | samtools view -@ <threads> -bS - | samtools sort -@ <threads> - | samtools markdup -@ <threads> -r - - | samtools view -@ <threads> -h -q 1 -F 4 -F 256 - | grep -v XA:Z | grep -v SA:Z | samtools view -@ <threads> -b - > xx.nodup.unique.bam
After that, I did macs2 predictd
and then macs2 callpeak
. I've read that the input for Diffbind can be .xls .csv or .bed.
So I am at a point where i got 6 xls sheets with peaks from macs2. My question is how do I continue from there into R (R studio preferably). Also should I merge the BAM files I got from above and then do macs2? Or should I continue with the 6 output files from macs2?
I cant find any example of Diffbind running into R and that is my main question/problem.
Thanks a lot for your reply/help. Merging the peaks, you mean all 6 (in my case) into 1?
If CSAW is easier i will use that. Is there any help/examples for that?
Merge peaks from all 6 samples together (these merged peaks are what you then end up checking for differential binding). Check our snakePipes repository for example code.
By the way, both DiffBind and CSAW have outstandingly extensive manuals on their Bioconductor site. Check them out.
Hi, Devon, I would like to know if you overlap Csaw DB regions back to MACS2 peaks in the downstream? Thank you!
The MACS2 peaks can serve as input regions into CSAW. The CSAW authors aren't fans of this, but it tends to work better in practice.