"missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed" in 16Stimator R script
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6.5 years ago


I'm using the program 16Stimator (paper here and source here) to estimate 16S rRNA gene copy number from draft genomes. It's comprised of a shell script that calls several other programs and R scripts. I run R on a linux cluster and have gotten most scripts to run successfully, but upon running the R script Estimate_16S23S_PriceBonCIR1R2.R, I receive the following error:

Rscript ./Scripts/Estimate_16S23S_PriceBonCIR1R2.R $Isolate $Lib $ReadLen $n
Error in if (Df16S$GeneLen[r] > 1400) { : 
  missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed
Execution halted

The required seqinr packages is installed. I've found a general answer regarding this error here, but I can't seem to gleen enough information to apply it to my situation. I haven't found anyone else running into this problem. I should mention that the authors state that16Stimator requires R v3.1.0, and I'm using R v3.1.1. I'm not sure if this is significant or not (E.g. some syntax has changed during the version change). Thank you in advance for your insight. Here's the entire script below:

## Estimate 16S and 23S copy numbers
CurrentDir = getwd()
## Start code
args = commandArgs(trailingOnly = TRUE)
Isolate = as.character(args[1])
Lib = as.character(args[2])
ReadLen = as.numeric(args[3])
Seq = as.numeric(args[4])
## Load in gene GC% table and mapped read table
GCtab = read.table(paste("./Beds/", Isolate, ".", Lib, ".gene.gc.txt", sep = ""),
                   sep = "\t", header = FALSE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
colnames(GCtab) = c("Node", "Start", "End", "Gene", "pct_at", "pct_gc", "num_A",
                    "num_C", "num_G", "num_T", "num_N", "num_oth", "seq_len")
MappedReads = read.table(paste("./Beds/", Isolate, ".", Lib, ".R", Seq,
                               ".gene.mapped.reads.txt", sep = ""),
                         sep = "\t", header = FALSE, quote = "",
                         comment.char = "", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
MappedReads = MappedReads[,(ncol(MappedReads) - 4):ncol(MappedReads)]
colnames(MappedReads) = c("Node", "Start", "End", "Gene", "Overlap")
RDPerGene = data.frame(table(MappedReads$Gene), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
colnames(RDPerGene) = c("Gene", "Reads")
RDPerGene$Gene = as.character(RDPerGene$Gene)
## Apply GC% correction (Yoon et al, 2009)
## multiply coverage for each gene win by 
## looking up corresponding GC cov correction factor
CovCorrectDF = read.csv(paste("./CovCorrect/", Isolate, ".", Lib, ".R", Seq,
                              ".CovCorrectForGC.csv", sep = ""), header = TRUE) 
Gene_gc = numeric()
Reads_gc = numeric()
## Gene name has class, name, len, win, separated by "_"
Class = character()
Name = character()
GeneLen = numeric()
GeneWin = numeric()
for(q in 1:nrow(RDPerGene)){
  Gene_gc[q] = (round(GCtab[which(GCtab$Gene == RDPerGene$Gene[q]),]$pct_gc,
                      digits = 2))
  Reads_gc[q] = RDPerGene$Reads[q] * 
    CovCorrectDF[CovCorrectDF$GCprop == Gene_gc[q],]$CovCorrect
  String = strsplit(RDPerGene$Gene[q], "_")
  Class[q] = String[[1]][1]
  Name[q] = String[[1]][2]
  GeneLen[q] = as.numeric(String[[1]][3])
  GeneWin[q] = as.numeric(String[[1]][4])
RDPerGene = data.frame(RDPerGene, Gene_gc, Reads_gc, Class, Name, GeneLen, GeneWin,
                       stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
write.csv(RDPerGene, paste("./CovCorrect/", Isolate, ".", Lib, ".R", Seq,
                           ".GCorCovPerGeneWin.csv", sep = ""),
          quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE)
## Calculate median 16S/23S coverages, take account of full and partial genes
## if multiple full length 16S or 23S, then sum coverages for each win
## if partial 16S or 23S, then just add wins to vector
Df16S = RDPerGene[which(RDPerGene$Class == "16S"),]
Big16S = data.frame()
Lit16S = data.frame()
SixteenCov = numeric()
for(r in 1:nrow(Df16S)){
  if(Df16S$GeneLen[r] > 1400){
    Big16S = rbind(Big16S, Df16S[r,])
    Lit16S = rbind(Lit16S, Df16S[r,])
if(nrow(Big16S) > 0){
  for(s in as.numeric(unique(Big16S$GeneWin))){
    SixteenCov = c(SixteenCov, sum(Big16S[which(Big16S$GeneWin == s),]$Reads_gc))
if(nrow(Lit16S) > 0){
  SixteenCov = c(SixteenCov, as.numeric(Lit16S$Reads_gc))
Df23S = RDPerGene[which(RDPerGene$Class == "23S"),]
Big23S = data.frame()
Lit23S = data.frame()
TwentyThreeCov = numeric()
for(t in 1:nrow(Df23S)){
  if(Df23S$GeneLen[t] > 2800){
    Big23S = rbind(Big23S, Df23S[t,])
    Lit23S = rbind(Lit23S, Df23S[t,])
if(nrow(Big23S) > 0){
  for(u in as.numeric(unique(Big23S$GeneWin))){
    TwentyThreeCov = c(TwentyThreeCov, sum(Big23S[which(Big23S$GeneWin == u),]$Reads_gc))
if(nrow(Lit23S) > 0){
  TwentyThreeCov = c(TwentyThreeCov, as.numeric(Lit23S$Reads_gc))
## Apply confidence intervals from Price + Bonett 2002
## Distribution-Free Confidence Intervals for Difference and Ratio of Medians
## Set alpha to desired confidence level
alpha = 0.05
SingCovs = RDPerGene[which(RDPerGene$Class == "Sing"),]$Reads_gc
## Calculate medians for each class (16S, 23S, SingCopyGenes)
Med16S = median(SixteenCov)
Med23S = median(TwentyThreeCov)
MedSings = median(SingCovs)

Ord16S = SixteenCov[order(SixteenCov)]
Ord23S = TwentyThreeCov[order(TwentyThreeCov)]
OrdSings = SingCovs[order(SingCovs)]
c16S = round((length(Ord16S) + 1)/2 - sqrt(length(Ord16S)), digits = 0)
c23S = round((length(Ord23S) + 1)/2 - sqrt(length(Ord23S)), digits = 0)
cSings = round((length(OrdSings) + 1)/2 - sqrt(length(OrdSings)), digits = 0)
if(length(Ord16S) < 132){
  p16S = 0
  for(i in 1:(c16S - 1)){
    p16S = p16S + choose(length(Ord16S), i)
  p16S = p16S * 0.5^length(Ord16S)
  z16S = qnorm(1 - p16S)
  z16S = 2
if(length(Ord23S) < 132){
  p23S = 0
  for(i in 1:(c23S - 1)){
    p23S = p23S + choose(length(Ord23S), i)
  p23S = p23S * 0.5^length(Ord23S)
  z23S = qnorm(1 - p23S)
  z23S = 2
if(length(OrdSings) < 132){
  pSings = 0
  for(i in 1:(cSings - 1)){
    pSings = pSings + choose(length(OrdSings), i)
  pSings = pSings * 0.5^length(OrdSings)
  zSings = qnorm(1 - pSings)
  zSings = 2
N16S = ((log(Ord16S[length(Ord16S) - c16S + 1]) - 
           log(Ord16S[c16S]))/(2 * z16S))^2
N23S = ((log(Ord23S[length(Ord23S) - c23S + 1]) - 
           log(Ord23S[c23S]))/(2 * z23S))^2
NSings = ((log(OrdSings[length(OrdSings) - cSings + 1]) - 
             log(OrdSings[cSings]))/(2 * zSings))^2
zalpha = qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
Est16S = Med16S/MedSings
LowEst16S = (Med16S/MedSings) * exp(-zalpha * sqrt(N16S + NSings))
HighEst16S = (Med16S/MedSings) * exp(zalpha * sqrt(N16S + NSings))
Est23S = Med23S/MedSings
LowEst23S = (Med23S/MedSings) * exp(-zalpha * sqrt(N23S + NSings))
HighEst23S = (Med23S/MedSings) * exp(zalpha * sqrt(N23S + NSings))

Df1623S = data.frame(Isolate, Lib, Seq, Est16S, LowEst16S, HighEst16S,
                     Est23S, LowEst23S, HighEst23S,
                     stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
write.csv(Df1623S, paste("./Estimates/", Isolate, ".", Lib, ".R", Seq,
                         ".CopyNumEst.csv", sep = ""),
          quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE)
print("Estimated 16S and 23S copy numbers with Price + Bonett CIs")
R 16Stimator 16S Copy Number is.na • 11k views
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So after a bit of investigation, here's what I've come up with:

  1. The RDPerGene variable does contain the information that it should.
  2. It is (seemingly) correctly written and formatted to a*.csv file.
  3. The following print commands showed what each variable contains:

                 Gene Reads Gene_gc  Reads_gc Class  Name GeneLen GeneWin
1    Sing_alaS_2615_1   118    0.38 116.03333  Sing  alaS    2615       1
2    Sing_alaS_2615_2   111    0.40 111.94872  Sing  alaS    2615       2
3    Sing_alaS_2615_3    98    0.40  98.83761  Sing  alaS    2615       3
4    Sing_alaS_2615_4   101    0.40 101.86325  Sing  alaS    2615       4
5    Sing_alaS_2615_5   101    0.41 101.86325  Sing  alaS    2615       5
6    Sing_alaS_2615_6   105    0.37 103.68201  Sing  alaS    2615       6
7    Sing_argS_1793_1   152    0.37 150.09205  Sing  argS    1793       1 .....

[1] Gene     Reads    Gene_gc  Reads_gc Class    Name     GeneLen  GeneWin 
<0 rows> (or 0-length row.names)

data frame with 0 columns and 0 rows

data frame with 0 columns and 0 rows

Since the variable RDPerGene and it's corresponding output to *.csv file DO contain the information it's supposed to, it seems to me like there's a syntax or contextual issue with how the following commands are assigning information to the Df16S variable:

for(r in 1:nrow(Df16S)){
  if(Df16S$GeneLen[r] > 1400){
    Big16S = rbind(Big16S, Df16S[r,])
    Lit16S = rbind(Lit16S, Df16S[r,])

As I said in another comment, I'm very new to R and unfamiliar with syntax. Also of note, is that I'm using R v3.1.1, and the author's code was written in R v3.1.0; I'm unsure if there were any major (or minor) changes to syntax, etc.

Does anyone have any further ideas for this issue? Perhaps I'm thinking about this incorrectly?

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6.5 years ago

The error means that the evaluation of the comparison produced an NA value instead of TRUE or FALSE. Since the right hand side of the comparison is a constant, it means that Df16S$GeneLen[r] is most likely not what you think it is. Check what Df16S contains.

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Hi Jean-Karim Heriche,

Thanks for your reply. I'm not well versed in R, how would I check to see what Df16S contains?


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If you're using Rstudio, you could just click on Df16S in the list of objects in your environment or type View(Df16S) in the console. In an R terminal, you just type Df16S and the top 100 or so rows would be displayed. A common debugging technique is to output the variable value just before the line that produces the error.

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6.5 years ago
zx8754 12k

As per error, it is related to this line:

if(Df16S$GeneLen[r] > 1400){

To reproduce the error with simple example, try:

x <- NA
if(x > 1400){"x is more"} else {"x is less"}
# Error in if (x > 1400) { : missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed

We get above error, because x > 1400 gives NA, and if statement expects TRUE/FALSE value. Look into is.na() to prevent this error:

ifis.na(x)){"x is NA"} else if(x > 1400){"x is more"} else {"x is less"}
# [1] "x is NA"

# now test with non NA value
x <- 1000
ifis.na(x)){"x is NA"} else if(x > 1400){"x is more"} else {"x is less"}
# [1] "x is less"

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