Hi Guys, I am new to the forum to come directly with a question / problem.
I want to write a program that counts the patterns like this. I have given such sequences as an example:
A patten is a group of four letters of the four groups. As an example, the first Patten would be "AAGA". Now I wonder how many times that happens in my entire Sequenze. So far I have only found programs that are looking for a given pattern. Does anyone have an idea how to program this or do you already know where this was done?
I'm very thankful for your help!
Best regards
Is this a homework assignment? What have you tried?
No, this is not a homework assignment. I'm getting into bioinformatics and the problem has been with me many times. I have already tried the following approach:
enter link description here
But I did not even get an idea. That's why I'm asking here if anyone has an idea.
Many thanks for your help! I'm watching this. I still wonder if the kmer-counter is the other way around. A pattern should be a group of four letters. Each of these four letters is from the group A, B, C, D. So the first letter from the first group is A, from the second group A, from the third group G and from the fourth group A. Together, these 4 letters are then a patter. Do you understand what I mean?
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