When running the command with deeptools:
computeMatrix scale-regions -S path/HDF_day20.bw \
path/HUVEC_day2.bw \
-R $DIR/day2_fos20.bed $DIR/day2.bed $DIR/fos20.bed -b 4000 -a 4000 --regionBodyLength 5000 --missingDataAsZero -bs 50 -out HDFd20vsHUVd2_matrixscale.gz
I get the error:
ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'start'
What am I doing wrong?
No header. I have some Chr17_gl00205_random though...don't know if that is a problem
Please post the first 10 or so lines of your BED files.
I have to ask you sorry. you were so right!
No worries!