I am making a hub on UCSC Genome Browser and I am aiming to display multiple bigWig files as a single track (multiwig container). I decided to use the autoscale option because I wanted a dynamic scale: y axis changing depending on the maximum values in the current observed window.
However, I am confused as to how to the relationship between:
- autoscale on and viewLimits
- autoscale on and type bigWig <#> <#>
For the "type" option, the official documentation mentions that: "The remote data files of type bigWig must declare the expected signal range for the data"
So my question is, are the following assumptions correct:
- If I have autoscale on, viewLimits and type don't really matter anymore
- You still have to specify "type bigWig" but you no longer have to put a range (i.e. the <#> <#>)
- You don't have to viewLimits.
If this is correct, my trackDb.txt file will look as such::
track data
container multiWig
configurable on
shortLabel label data
longLabel long label data
visibility full
priority 1
type bigWig
autoScale on
aggregate transparentOverlay
windowingFunction mean
showSubtrackColorOnUi on
track sample1
bigDataUrl path/to/sample1.bw
shortLabel s_sample1
longLabel s_sample1
type bigWig
visibility full
alwaysZero on
priority 120
color 220,180,180
parent data on
track sample2
bigDataUrl path/to/sample2.bw
shortLabel s_sample2
longLabel s_sample2
type bigWig
visibility full
alwaysZero on
priority 120
color 220,180,180
parent data on