A colleague of mine who's a molecular biologist too and doesn't know bioinformatics at all has been trying to run findmotifs.pl as explained on this page without any success.
Following the syntx:
findMotifsGenome.pl <peak/BED file> <genome> <output directory> -size # [options]
She is submitting the following command:
/software/homer/bin/findMotifs.pl /project/homer/LPep.txt mouse-p /project/homer/LPEP/ -rna -len 5
The job terminates because apparently, Homer can’t find the mouse-p promoter file.
!!! mouse-o not found in /projects/p30120/software/homer/.//config.txt
Try typing "perl /projects/p30120/software/homer/.//configureHomer.pl -list" to see available promoter sets
If avaliable, type "perl /projects/p30120/software/homer/.//configureHomer.pl -install mouse-o" to install
I tried to do what was suggested in the log file :
perl /projects/p30120/software/homer/.//configureHomer.pl -install mouse-p
following which I checked by
perl /projects/p30120/software/homer/.//configureHomer.pl -list
Although it shows that the promoter set is present, she gets the exact same error every time.
I’ve also tried replacing mouse-p directly with Mus_musculus.GRCm38.75.dna.primary_assembly.fa but I get the exact same error. Anyone here knows what's going on?
instead ofmouse-o
?None of the options work at all. We've tried mm10, mm9, mouse-p, mouse-o but they all generate the same error stating that the component isn't available. We've even tried to export path to all the folders within Homer but that didn't help either.
Did you try?:
I tried it just now and I got a different error:
I checked and found that /software/homer/4.10/.//data/accession//mouse2gene.tsv does exist.
Hi, sandKings your input ID in "LPep.txt" must be wrong, Please convert ID to Gene_ID by using relative tools, such as “ http://asia.ensembl.org/biomart/martview”