Any idea how to extract orthomcl Clusters to fasta?
I got 540 clusters i just want some of them on fasta.
The final output results like this:
cluster000: Ratn|NC_000067.6:7605211..7607094 Ratn|NC_000076.6:46984187..46986072 Ratn|NC_000072.6:126135324..126137210 Ratn|NC_000071.6:43059052..43060937 Ratn|NC_000069.6:92913971..92915859 Ratn|NC_000071.6:137999400..138001284 Ratn|NC_000084.6:3880095..3881981 Ratn|NC_000073.6:72629984..72631867 Ratn|NC_000073.6:14635959..14637845 Ratn|NC_000076.6:121566110..121567992 Ratn|NC_000086.7:51987005..51988889 Ratn|NC_000083.6:9587574..9589459 Ratn|NC_000073.6:82995991..82997877 Ratn|NC_000074.6:122158254..122160140 Ratn|NC_000074.6:4455815..4457701 Ratn|NC_000072.6:32035055..32036940
There is no need to SHOUT. I have removed the uppercase characters from your title.
Is that representation for one cluster
? So you basically want to get the intervals represented there in one fasta sequence?The cluster im interest of has 260 fasta IDs and i wanna extract them from the fasta file, first i organaized them 1 ID per line as you can see below "list.txt". Im using that script i modified it but its not working at all
im using this script but im just getting 136/260 i dont know why.. my list.txt look like this
Try using Bioperl SeqIO and Bio::DB::Fasta, so you don't have to re-invent the wheels handling FASTA files...