Hi all, I am using bwa mem in this pipeline
bwa mem -t 12 -M -B 4 ref.fas xxx.r1.fastq.gz xxx.r1.fastq.gz > xxx.sam
samtools view -h -b -S -@ 11 xxx.sam > xxx.bam
samtools sort xxx.bam > xxx.sorted.bam
samtools depth xxx.sorted.bam > xxx.bed
Then with R, I read the bed file as dataframe and I plot the data. I get very low depth and a plot that is really fluctuating.
does anybody know if there is a way to improve the depth? thanks a lot for any help.
you can convert sam to bam and sort on the fly:
What do you mean by "very low depth"?
fin swimmer
when I check the depth at each position, how many times a base is covered as I understood, I see very low depth like from 20 to 300. I thought that the more the depth the more confidence I get in my data. Plus, the plot is really fluctuating while I would expect a more stable plot without many peaks.
Have you done any quality control on your reads?
Have you considered showing us that plot?
this is the plot that I get. thanks for any help!