I try to install Memsat-SVM on my computer but face an issue that I am not able to fix.
Here is what I did:
Compile Memsat-svm
tar -zxvf memsat-svm1.3.tar.gz
cd memsat-svm
Build database
mkdir database
cd database
Download at
gunzip uniprot_sprot.fasta.gz
formatdb -i uniprot_sprot.fasta -p T -o T
cd ..
Edit Perl script (i.e. set absolute paths)
gedit run_memsat-svm.pl
Run Perl script
./run_memsat-svm.pl -p 1 examples/1M57_H.fa
The error message I get is:
MEMSAT-SVM: Alpha-helical transmembrane protein topology prediction using Support Vector Machines
Running PSI-BLAST: examples/1M57_H.fa /home/thomas/miniconda3/bin/blastpgp -a 1 -j 2 -h 1e-3 -e 1e-3 -b 0 -d /home/thomas/Softwares/memsat-svm/database/uniprot_sprot.fasta -i /home/thomas/Softwares/memsat-svm/output/memsat-svm_tmp.fasta -C /home/thomas/Softwares/memsat-svm/output/memsat-svm_tmp.chk >& /home/thomas/Softwares/memsat-svm/output/memsat-svm_tmp.out
sh: 1: Syntax error: Bad fd number There was an error running PSI-BLAST. Did you set the database path correctly?
readline() on closed filehandle ERROR at ./run_memsat-svm.pl line 398.
I am running under Ubuntu 18.04. Does anyone knows that I did wrong?
Tags you could have used:
The only tag you used:
software error
.Relevant tags are important for your question's visibility. You're not helping your case, Thomas B.