Hello, I am trying to set colors to my bed track based on column values using itemRgb on option. I have 1st 3 columns in my bed file for chrom, chromStart and chromEnd, 4th column has the values and 5th column has color codes for rgb for example 0,0,255. I converted the bed to bb format and used -
track XYZ
type bigBed
visibility full
itemRgb on
I am able to view the track all in black but not with the colors I want. Is it because my Rgb color values are not in column 9? Do I have to use all 9 columns mentioned here https://useast.ensembl.org/info/website/upload/bed.html to be able to use itemRgb or can I specify that the 5th column has the Rgb values? If I need all 9 columns, can the other column values be . or NA? Please let me know, I appreciate your help!
it's clearly defined in https://genome.ucsc.edu/FAQ/FAQformat.html#format1
You need to have the
to start the drawingChrom, Start, End, Name, Score, Strand, ThickStart, ThickEnd, itemRgb
You already have Chrom, Start, End, Score and itemRgb
Name could be : A, B, C, D whatever you want
Strand : if you don't care set + for all
ThickStart/ThickEnd are the same as Start/End if you want to visualize the whole item
I used Chrom, Start, End columns, column 4 and 5 are the same (scores), column 6 is ".", columns 7 and 8 are the same as columns 2 and 3, and column 9 is Rgb code. I still don't see the colors in my track, my visibility is full and itemRgb on. I am not sure what I am missing here. Thank you for your help!
Can you detail your steps to upload your file and display it to UCSC ?
I don't have a web server to try this on my own... Did you follow all the steps in this doc
Could you upload a screenshot of your UCSC and the inside of your bed file please
Yes I did follow the steps in the link and my bed file example is as follows (Drosophila genome) -
What your UCSC visualization looks like ?
They look fine except for all tracks in black and not color, sorry I am unable to upload a screenshot here.
How to add images to a Biostars post