Sorry if this is a dumb question, but I am told by our sequencing core that you cannot detect methylation status of PCR amplicons with PacBio? Is that merely because the amplicons won't retain the methylated nucleotides? I was looking at the Nature Methods paper that is cited for this method of detection and I think they do use PCR amplification of custom fosmids prior to PacBio sequencing though.
Which paper? Which method?
You forgot to copy the relevant part
dam is a methylase. This will methylate your DNA.
Thank you this is what I was looking for. I don't know how to accept this as the answer, but perhaps it's not the direct answer to my posted question.
If your question was "is it true that I cannot detect methylation from amplicons" then my answer below is probably what you should accept.
The comments here just explain why you were confused based on the paper.