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6.3 years ago
Anyone knows any website that collects information about bioinformatics conference? I check a website from ISCB but they only post their sponsored conference. If possible, I want to check all conference related to Bioinformatics fields so that I can prepare if I want to submit a paper. Maybe Biostars can have a special section for this too, just like Jobs section. Thank you.
Please check conference section in http://www.helpbiotech.co.in/ and also biospectrum magazine for Indian science conferences. Avoid any thing (conference/paper) from omics (hyderabad/India) group.
yes, omics group... =) nice that you mention it
I am looking for international not only India area.
omics group has thousands (yes thousands) of congresses per year everywhere. But like cpad0112 said, you need to avoid them. They are like... fake/scams not trusted. At a bio-it congress you get lectures about the history of cars or whatever. I dont know much about it but heard the stories.
Updated: Conference/Symposium/Seminar/Workshop alert 2018-2019