I have been using DAVID to analyze a gene list recently.
What I'm confused about is Functional annotation clustering. After uploading a gene list, selecting Functional annotation clustering, I get Annotation Summary Results. There are GOTERM_BP_1, GOTERM_BP_2, GOTERM_BP_3, GOTERM_BP_4, GOTERM_BP_5, GOTERM_BP_ALL, GOTERM_BP_FAT and so on under Gene_Ontology.
So here is the question, what does 1,2,3,4,5,ALL and FAT mean? I can't find any explanation.
As of October 2016 there has been a new GO category added (GO Direct), which provides GO mappings directly annotated by the source database (no parent terms included). I'm not sure why DAVID selects this as the default but it has very low specificity.
Thank you very much!
how to draw a pie chart for molecular,cellular,biological processes from the DAVID output