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6.1 years ago
I need to remove unpaired reads from my BAM file... and I'm looking for a non-samtools way of doing it. Suggestions?
I need to remove unpaired reads from my BAM file... and I'm looking for a non-samtools way of doing it. Suggestions?
In deepTools:
alignmentSieve --samFlagInclude 2 -b input.bam -o output.bam
You can use multiple threads if you like. Of course this uses pysam, which uses htslib, which is part of samtools, but most tools will use something related to samtools somewhere...it's a standard tool after all.
using samjdk http://lindenb.github.io/jvarkit/SamJdk.html
java -jar dist/samjdk.jar -e 'return record.getProperPairFlag();' input.bam
Thanks for the above responses, but we also found Sambamba which is pretty fast sambamba view -f bam -F "proper_pair" -o output.bam input.bam
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May I ask you why samtools is not allowed?
We have some conflicts with samtools
That's incredibly unusual, it's likely you should just fix your environment then.
I would normally agree, but we have reasons for not using samtools in this instance