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6.1 years ago
hi, i catch a error when used makeblastdb commd for make blast db, the issur as below:
New DB title: nucl_patent_01
Sequence type: Nucleotide
Keep MBits: T
Maximum file size: 1000000000B
FASTA-Reader: Ignoring invalid residues at position(s): On line 34764876: 2
when i sed the line 34764876, and i find there has a 'X' character in the pos of this line, Nucleotide sequence is GXACCTGATGTAGCAGACAGTCTC
what should i do if i want make this Nucleotide sequence into my blast db?
the blast version is blast 2.7.1, makeblastcmd is :
makeblastdb -in part-r-00000 -dbtype nucl -title nucl_patent_01 -out /blast_db/nucl_patent_01
Replacing X with N. This should work.