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6.4 years ago
Hello all,
I have a one vcf file of 26 samples, what I need is to annotate this file and count the number of mutations for each gene for each sample of those 26.
I tried to use Annovar, but it seems that it doesn't support multi-sample vcf file.
Any suggestion or help, please?
Just to make sure, here
it should be my vcf file after annotated by VEP or SnpEff, right?yes
Could you please help me with the annotation, I'm new to that field. Are there clear steps for the annotation?
see snpeff: http://snpeff.sourceforge.net/SnpEff_manual.html
After annotating with SnpEff and running GroupByGene, I got this error:
What's could be the problem?
Thanks for the help, I try to run GroupByGene using the same command and file just to see the output but it gives this error. Also when I tried my file (I was concerning if the problem from my file but that also happen for the provided file):
Any suggestion or help, please?
what was the input file ? how is it formatted ? what is the output of
grep -m1 CHROM your_input.vcf
?The input file was the one after annotated using SnpEff, This is what I got for grep -m1 CHROM myfile.ann.vcf :
please post a fragment of your vcf, including the header in something like https://gist.github.com/ or whatever...
See here: /................./
this works on my machine:
This is more logical, I'm thinking that the command you provided not correct:
This is what I have been tried and give me the error.
I didn't wrote this.
Sorry but that what I understand from your post above with:
Hello Pierre,
I really appreciate this tool and it can be very useful for my project.
I wonder how it handles heterozygous vs homozygous variants. Will homozygous variants be counted as 2 variations with your tool?