Hello :)
I'm pretty new to the stuff and after reading some papers and posts I'm still not sure what I should do so maybe somebody with more experience could shed some light.
After I got my contings with Canu I would liike to use Pilon and polish them with Illumina reads. After trimming and quality control they are 20-301 in length. In Pilon docs they wrote about using BWA MEM but then there's minimap2 which is faster (kinda important for me) but then again not so good with short-reads. What would you recommend? What about filtering those reads for 100-301 in length (that would be around 95% of all reads I think) and then going with minimap2? Would appreciate any information :D
I would start with correction using long reads. Depending on the complexity of your organism, there are going to be a bunch of small missassemblies that can be fixed using long reads, but that would be a nightmare for pilon to try to correct. I think long read polishing will also help get more unique alignments for reads in low complexity regions. Increasing the number of errors you can correct or reducing the errors you introduce into repetitive sequences.
Also, BWA seemed pretty fast for me, and wasn't really the bottleneck in my pipeline. Minimap2 is crazy fast with long reads though. A long read polishing option is minimap2/racon (https://genome.cshlp.org/content/27/5/737). Its pretty fast compared to blasr and arrow/quiver, but I haven't compared the quality of sequence returned.