I am using Kover (https://github.com/aldro61/kover) to predict AR in Klebsiella. The program fails while creating the .kover dataset from the list of my fastqfiles. The command starts running, gets through 40 - 50 % and quits.
what i do:
kover dataset create from-reads --genomic-data $mypath/genomes.tsv --phenotype-metadata $mypath/metadata.tsv --phenotype-description $description --output $mypath/out --kmer-size 31 --kmer-min-abundance 3 --n-cpu 0 -x
the output i get is:
EXCEPTION: Kmer solidity has more thresholds (1) than banks (0)54 %
How do i fix this? Is it a problem with fastq.gz files i have?