I am looking to do a time-course analysis of my RNA-seq human, whole blood datasets. I have 30 samples, across 4 time-points. I have no replicates.
T0 - Week 0, initial treatment T1 - Week 2, two weeks into treatment T2 - Week 12, twelve weeks into treatment T3 - Week 26, end of treatment; “Cure”
I have done the pairwise comparisons, comparing each time-point to T3, our cure state, using Deseq2.
Now I want to track the changes of gene expression over the full treatment time.
I have read the time-course Vinaigrette on Deseq2 but I am not sure I am understanding it right.
I have assigned two variables, timepoint and SampleID to account for the different times and samples.
(timepoint <- factor(c(rep("0",30),rep("2",30)rep("12",30)rep("26",30))))
(coldata <- data.frame(row.names=colnames(countdata), timepoint, SampleID))
ddsMat <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData=countdata, colData=coldata, design=~SampleID + timepoint)
dds <- DESeq(ddsMat)
res <- results(dds)
However I don’t know if this is enough. I can’t see where the time element comes into play. Any advice on doing a Time- course analysis?
Hi Kevin,
I actually did the pairwise comparisons separately, using a featureCounts matrix of just the two time-points in each comparison. Is it better practice to do them together?
When you suggest an ANOVA between time-points do you mean for me to test the variance between the groups to test for differences at the time-points?
I will try the Rlog() to plot the distribution and I will have to read into your suggestion for each gene of interest as I am not sure how I understand how to go about this.
Thanks so much for all your help and advice,
Not sure what you mean here(?) - the best way would be to do the pairwise comparisons as I have shown in my sample code.
The ANOVA, then, would find genes that are different between all time-points. This may not exactly be relevant, though!
Yeah, I am redoing it the way you have suggested now.
Sorry if I was unclear. I meant that I subsetted the data into t0.vs.t3, t1.vs.t3, and t2.vs.t3, ran feature counts on them all individually and then did the deseq2 on each subset. I see now that this was unnecessary.
Thanks for clarifying about the ANOVA. I think it would be worth having a look anyway.
Thanks again.
Ah, I see! Yes, doing it that way (sub-setting, et cetera) would introduce bias into the end-results. While saying this, you may see the same genes coming up as being statistically significant. Only those genes on the fringes of statistical significance may differ.
Hi Kevin:
I was guided here by google. I have made my object in that way but I have seen some errors. I have a time course RNA-seq with each timepoint (4 timepoints in total) has 2 replicates:
Everything is fine until the following step:
To mimic your advice fully, I did the following:
What should I do to do the analysis in your comments? Thanks
Hey, if you just want to do the LRT, you would need:
Let me know if that works.
Further explained here: http://bioconductor.org/packages/devel/bioc/vignettes/DESeq2/inst/doc/DESeq2.html#likelihood-ratio-test
Thank you Kevin. Your advice works very well.