I might have stumbled over some inconsistency in dbSNP: If I take a look at the dbSNP homepage for e.g. rs4784677 [1], I stumble over a mis-leading SNP position in the protein sequence (in the GeneView part):
When I look at position 70 (1-based) in the sequence for NP_114091.3, I see a N (Asparagine). However, the report insists that there is a S (mutation from S to {N,T,I}). How could that happen? I have thousands such cases (actually unearthed from the dbSNP SQL tables), where the actual residue at the given sequence position does not match the reported residue in the web interface. Am I missing something here or did I indeed stumble over a mapping error?
Thanks, Chris
[1] http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/projects/SNP/snp_ref.cgi?rs=4784677