I am trying to calculate genome mappability of some yeast species using GEM-mappability (http://www.plosone.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0030377) which was used for the calculation of the USCS Genome Browser mappability tracks. However, I cannot figure out how to convert output file (output format: http://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/gemlibrary/index.php?title=Gem_mappability_man_page ) into format compatible with USCS Genome Browser (BED, bigBed, bedGraph, GFF, GTF, WIG, bigWig, MAF, BAM, BED detail, Personal Genome SNP, VCF, or PSL formats). Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.
Example of the output:
' '~[0-0]
I have sent the author a message via the Messaging link.
Seems like that link to the man page does not work... Can you post an example of the output you are getting?
I have replaced the old link to the man page with the correct one.