Convert Solid color space fastq in base space fastq
Hi all I am a beginner in NGS. I downloaded some SRA files (from SRA-NCBI) and, I convert in ABI-solid fastq using fastq-dump. I would like to convert these ABI-solid files in Illumina fastq format. Does anyone know of any program that does this? Thank you. Álvaro.
Your data may already be in fastq format, if you used
. Can you show us the output ofhead -8 your.fq
I would like to use this colorspace files for transcriptome assembly, but I think the softwares I am using (HISAT and StringieTie) work with base space files. So, I would like to convert colorspace to base space.
Assuming that the data you need is not available on any other platform, you may want to use colorspace reads directly for the analysis. No need to convert the reads. You can use Tophat with bowtie1 option. Use bowtie version 0.12.7 or lower.
You can use Subjunc and then proceed with StringTie, it has been reported to work:
Whole RNA-Sequencing and Transcriptome Assembly of Candida albicans and Candida africana under Chlamydospore-Inducing Conditions
Question: Clarification of good pipeline for transcriptome assembly of RNA-seq data
I've updated my answer bellow to clarify why it is not a good idea to convert colorspace to basespace.