Hi guys,
I am comparing the assembled transcripts datasets of two parasites to see how similar are they, i.e., the percentage of match between these two species. I tried BLASTN, but I can only see matches for each query, not a overall match percentage. Is there anyway to do so?
Thanks very much for any suggestion!
I am interested in doing what you said. I would like to compare genome of human and mouse to see what genes are absent from each of them compared to the other. However, blastx has only one box for entering the genome sequences. How should I do this?
Search for orthologs database. For example, OrthoDB and OMA have these genes pre-calculated for you.
Thank you for your reply. But wouldn't this give me genes that are similar? I want to find genes that are different. I was able to blast the two genomes using the command line but I am not sure how to use that information for finding the actual gene differences.