I don't think it's possible to select chromosomal position based on an older genome build. Here is a list of all fields that you can use in a dbSNP query:
ALL,All Fields,All terms from all searchable fields
UID,UID,Unique number assigned to publication
FILT,Filter,Limits the records
RS,Reference SNP ID,Clustered SNP ID (rs)
GENE,Gene Name,locus link symbol
HAN,Submitter Handle,Submitter Handle
ACCN,Accession,nucleotide accessions
LLID,LocusLink ID,locus link UID
FXN,Function Class,Function class
GTYP,Genotype,Genotype info
NREF,Not reference assembly,SNP not mapped to reference assembly
MPWT,Map Weight,Map weight
VALI,Validation Status,Validation status
SRAT,Success Rate,Success rate
CBID,Create Build ID,Original Build ID
UBID,Update Build ID,Update Build ID
PDAT,Publication Date,SNP Publication date
MDAT,Modification Date,SNP modification date
PCLS,Population Class,Population classification based on geographic location
MCLS,Method Class,Assay Method
SS,Submitter SNP ID,Submitter ID
SCLS,SNP Class,SNP class
GDSC,Gene Description,description of gene
CPOS,Base Position,Chromosome base position
GPOS,Contig Position,Contig base position
WORD,Text Word,Free text associated with record
WTAA,Reference Amino Acid,Reference Amino Acid
MTAA,Variant Amino Acid,Variant or Mutant Amino Acid
RSNP,Reference SNP,Reference SNP
SIDX,SNP Index,SNP Index
I get results returned for queries such as:
7[CHR] AND Homo sapiens[ORGN] AND 132[UBID] AND 11500000:11700000[CPOS] AND 36[CBID]
but they do not include rs25. I assume that "Created/Updated in build" on the dbSNP page for an individual SNP refers to dbSNP build, rather than genome build.
Thanks Mary, but I my case, I wanted to use the SOAP/WSDL web service from the NCBI to show my students how to generate a java SOAP client and annotate a set of genomic positions.