Hi all,
I am trying to integrate SplitsTree4 in a pipeline I'm working on. The manual explains quite clearly how to structure this:
- an input file
- a command file with operations
I have followed these instructions and made a command file that looks like this:
begin SplitsTree;
SAVE FILE=test.phy.nex
EXPORTGRAPHICS format=SVG file=network.test.svg
And then I run the command like this:
/../SplitsTree \
--input test.phy \
--commandLineMode \
--commandFile cmd_file.txt \
--version \
The program begins, starts reading the input file, tells me N. of sequences, length and datatype (automatically inferred), but then just stucks there forever.
Anyone experienced this? Ideas on what I could have done wrong / be missing? No error is reported, it is just stuck. Copy-pasting the terminal print-out where it is stuck:
SplitsTree4 (version 4.14.6, built 26 Sep 2017)
Attempting to import in format: PhylipSequencesInterleaved
Read TAXA:
7 taxa
7 sequences, each 50, datatype: dna