Dear ALL
I have two tab file:
file 1
Chromosome Position
Chr01 45943
Chr01 45965
Chr01 45981
Chr01 46122
Chr02 45965
file 2
Chr01 6789 SNP A T 15.17 90.91 6 18 6
Chr01 6795 SNP G T 12.11 81.82 6 17 4
Chr01 45965 SNP G C 26.33 100.00 6 21 6
I need out put as same as this
Chr01 45965 SNP G C 26.33 100.00 6 21 6
How I can retrieve lines from file 2 which exactly match with column 1 and 2 of file 1 ?
in the files some of the name are in this format
but in out put file they change to :
which means name and position have been merged. how I can solve it ?
needless to say: use nother delimiter.. e.g:
sed 's/\t/__________________________/'