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6.1 years ago
hi I have a problem with my bwa mem, I have to aligner a sample to run in Illumina. people told me that I have to add this line
' , where de symbol $I
is my sample but the program doest work and always send me a message
Usage: bwa mem [options] <idxbase> <in1.fq> [in2.fq]
$ bwa mem -t 3 ~/Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.dna.primary_assembly.fa -R '@RG\tID:'"$1545906_17296"'\tLB:'"$1545906_17296"'\tSM:'"$1545906_17296"'\tPL:ILLUMINA' / ~/17296_R1trim_cut.fastq ~/17296_R2trim_cut.fastq > ~bwa1545906_17296.sam
anybody can help me
Please edit your post to format the code and error message. Use the code button (the
take care of the order of your arguments. At first there must be the options (
), than the reference sequence and at the end the fastq files.fin swimmer
What are you trying to do (with that string in particular?), and what error is it giving you?