simplifying the question
There are2 sequences sequence of miR160: 5’-UGCCUGGCUCCCUGUAUGCCA-3’ sequence of ARF10 but its too long to upload here
i need to find out where does miR160(micro RNA) forms a basepair with ARF10 mrna in plants?
simplifying the question
There are2 sequences sequence of miR160: 5’-UGCCUGGCUCCCUGUAUGCCA-3’ sequence of ARF10 but its too long to upload here
i need to find out where does miR160(micro RNA) forms a basepair with ARF10 mrna in plants?
The task is asking you to figure out where in the larger RNA, the smaller RNA would bind - this means finding complementarity between them. E.g., the 5’-UGCC...
will pair (potentially with some mismatches), to the sequence 5’-GGCA...
If we assume that it pairs perfectly, a simple approach is to reverse complement the mIR160 RNA, and look for that sequence within the larger one. If an exact match isn’t found, then some mismatches will need to be allowed, in which case, it becomes an alignment problem.
The rest of the questions should follow fairly simply from there, as they’re asking you to interpret where the sequence lies in relation to ARF10’s architecture.
The drawing requirements feel self explanatory to me, but feel free to comment further.
The subtlety in this task is having a good grasp of reverse complementing and strand orientation.
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thank you for the help..i will look in to it
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