Hi all,
I'm running solexaqa in a set of 51 millions of 1x100 Illumina reads, here you are the command I've used
/usr/bin/solexaqa -v -m reads.fastq
the process is working for some hours now and I'm getting this message all the time, I don't know if there's something wrong in the reads file
'Use of uninitialized value in numeric lt (<) at /usr/bin/solexaqa line 546, <INPUT> line 428486886.'
Any of you got this message too? What is your experience with this tool?
Thanks and regards
Hi, it's hard to speculate about the cause but, this program (solexaq) is seemingly a perl program. This message is a warning not and error, is caused by some code like this
undef < 33
. So it would be interesting to see what actually is the code in solexaqa at line 546.It might have to do with the quality values or your fastq file, is is maybe truncated or missing quality values.
Check the file with FastQC and see if it works with it: http://www.bioinformatics.bbsrc.ac.uk/projects/fastqc/
@Istvan Albert: Thanks! I'll try FastQC, anyway (as I commented in Michael Dondrup answer) it seems there's a kind of bug in the tool and doesn't support newer Illumina file formats very well...