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6.3 years ago
I am using Trimmomatic to trim the adapter sequence from the raw small RNA data. For some reason after trimming I still find the adapter in the trimmed sequence. Does anyone have any suggestion?
This is the command I am using:
java -jar trimmomatic SE -phred33 -threads 10 file_in file_out ILLUMINACLIP:adapter.fa:2:30:10 LEADING:3 TRAILING:3 SLIDINGWINDOW:4:15 CROP:34 MINLEN:18
This is the raw sequence data (as an example) - the adapter sequence is in bold:
@SN741:1069:CCAUHACXX:2:2201:1721:2117 1:N:0:ATCACG
Here is the trimmed sequence after running Trimmomatic:
@SN741:1069:CCAUHACXX:2:2201:1721:2117 1:N:0:ATCACG
Any help is appreciated.
Please use the formatting bar to indicate code. I did it for you this time.
Sorry, I will do next time, I overlook it. Thanks!
You could try a different tool e.g. fastp.
Hi Alex,
I actually did try a different tool in the meantime. I tried cutadapt and it worked perfectly. However, I am still wondering whether Trimmomatic will still work for this or not.
Could you please show the content of
and also a complete fastq entry including the quality values for the read bases?fin swimmer
Hi finswimmer,
The contents of the adapter.fa is indicated in my question under the double asterisk. I meant for it to be displayed in bold but not sure why it isn't. I think it is because it is under the code block? Below is the raw sequence with the quality values.
are you sure it's using the sequence from your own adapter.fa file (and not the 'build-in' one)? Perhaps try running it with
(specifically point to the 'local' file)Yup. That is the first thing I checked. Thanks for the suggestion though.
can you post a few sequences somewhere?