I ran a SNP calling program on both local PC and supercomputer cluster. However, the output VCF file generated by supercomputer lack the positive mutation, which we can identify from VCF file produced by local PC. I wonder whether we need adjust some parameters or add some options in our commands when using it on supercomputer, then the mutation will shown. I would truly appreciate your answers. Below is the shell scripts of program I used,
1.first indexing the genome
bwa index -p GlycinMaxbwaidx -a bwtsw GlycinMax.fasta
bwa aln -t 4 GlycinMaxbwaidx P1-WD04-3L-F.fastq > P1-WD04-F.bwa
bwa aln -t 4 GlycinMaxbwaidx P1-WD04-3L-R.fastq > P1-WD04-R.bwa
3.build sam file
bwa sampe GlycinMaxbwaidx P1-WD04-F.bwa P1-WD04-R.bwa P1-WD04-3L-F.fastq P1-WD04-3L-R.fastq > P1-WD04.sam
4.convert sam to bam
samtools view -S -b P1-WD04.sam > P1-WD04.bam
5.sort and index bam
samtools sort P1-WD04.bam -o P1-WD04.sorted.bam
samtools index P1-WD04.sorted.bam
6.varriant calling
freebayes -f GlycinMax.fasta -p 24 --use-best-n-alleles 4 --pooled-discrete P1-WD04.sorted.bam >P1-WD04.vcf
are you using the version same versions of the tools ?
Hi Pierre, thanks for your reply. Yes, I checked the versions of all three tools, BWA, samtools, and freebayes in my SNP calling program, and they are the same between local PC and supercomputer cluster. However, I noticed that the size of final VCF file are different, 19.9MB on supercomputer and 23.2MB on local PC.
you can pipe
intosamtools sort
...Are you reads shorter than 70bp? If not, bwa mem is preferred over bwa aln.