I have read about PCA and its power to do dimension reduction but for a specific project I need to do feature selection by PCA, although I know PCA might not be the best choice for it, but I need the result of PCA for feature selection.
Can anyone give me some advices or R code for that purpose?
My data contains both clinical and genomic information with a Target variable which define disease and healthy.
Are you looking to predict your Target Variable (disease/healthy) from the clinical and genomic data? It sounds like you have labeled training data where the disease/healthy classification is known. If so, you might want to use supervised approaches to do feature selection, rather than unsupervised approaches like PCA. Because your disease/healthy classes might not necessarily be driven by the features that drive overall variance in the data, and would be selected by PCA. If you do want to explore PCA, you could take your feature matrix (assuming it contains, or could be converted to, continuous-valued variables) and apply the R prcomp() function to derive principal components. You could then see what percentage of variance in the data your principal components explain, and if that looks reasonable, then you could select one or more of the principal components as your features for further modeling.
thanks @Ahill for good explanation. I don't want to group the variables based on their information in PCs.
Yes I have already know result label in my training set. How can I merge PCA score with Linear model?
Do you have any idea for combining PCA result with modeling (lm/GLM) ?