Hello, I have read that 30-50M reads mapped per sample are the general optimal number of reads mapped needed to do a DE expression analysis for mRNA-Seq. What would be the minimum for TOTAL RNA-Seq? Is it a lot more?
Thank you
Hello, I have read that 30-50M reads mapped per sample are the general optimal number of reads mapped needed to do a DE expression analysis for mRNA-Seq. What would be the minimum for TOTAL RNA-Seq? Is it a lot more?
Thank you
As a rough estimate: RNA is for 95% rRNA. If you are not depleting these in your TOTAL RNA-seq, and want to get the same number of reads on your 'interesting' mRNA then you can multiply that number of reads by 20.
To be fair I don't think people actually do "TOTAL" RNA-seq. If you do ribosomal depletion (efficiently) then you are roughly doing the same as polyA enrichment, with the exception that you'll get a couple of lowly expressed non-polyA-tailed lnc-RNA, which don't change the end result much.
This is a two part answer:
On the topic of total RNA
As mentioned by WouterDeCoster 95% of cellular RNA is rRNA - therefore RNA library preperation always either do:
to enrich for the RNA of interest.
This is build into the library preparation protocols so you don't need to think about it. You just tell the sequencing center which one you want (if you don't say anything I would guess 95% would do poly-A selection).
Please note that often rRNA depletion is refereed to as total-RNA.
On the topic of number reads
On the topic of number reads I have 3 comments:
You can find more information about good practices in RNA-seq analysis here. Analysis of isoform switches - such as the analysis presented here can be done with my R-package IsoformSwitchAnalyzeR.
I then to agree with what is stated above.
few remarks though: (on the number of reads part)
Again, all this for an Arabidopsis setting
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I do not understand a lot about biology as I am a computer scientist. My colleague asked me if she could add more samples to the run (which would diminish the amount of reads per sample), so I am asking the minimum amount of M reads needed in both cases: total rnaseq and mrnaseq. So what I understood is, if we do ribosomal depletion for total rnaseq then it will be very similar to doing mrnaseq, right? then the minimum M reads needed will be similar. But if we dont do rrna depletion with total rnaseq then we will need 20 times the M reads needed for mrnaseq (as an approximation) right?
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