I have about 2000 vcf.gz files and want to merge all together. I first need to index them using tabix -p vcf, but I have to do it one by one. is there a way that all 2000 vcf files be indexed in one command (all are in one directory)
thank you, b
I have about 2000 vcf.gz files and want to merge all together. I first need to index them using tabix -p vcf, but I have to do it one by one. is there a way that all 2000 vcf files be indexed in one command (all are in one directory)
thank you, b
for F in *.vcf.gz ; do tabix -f -p vcf ${F} ; done
that was great!!!...so how about vcf-merge? is there a way to merge 2000 vcf files in this command:
vcf-merge A.vcf.gz B.vcf.gz C.vcf.gz | bgzip -c > out.vcf.gz considering the same status above
best, b.
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can't we use parallel some thing like:
hello brother what language are you using for the script?
the language is bash