I'm using this command
esearch -db sra -query SRR1399843 | efetch -format runinfo
To obtain metadata about SRA archive.
it results in such information:
Run SRR1399843
ReleaseDate 2014-06-14 13:41:56
LoadDate 2014-10-04 03:42:33
spots 40704619
bases 6187102088
spots_with_mates 40704619
avgLength 152
size_MB 3177
AssemblyName GCF_000001405.25
download_path @dbgap@:reads/SRP012682/SRS637847/SRX599630/SRR1399843/SRR1399843.sra
Experiment SRX599630
LibraryName Solexa-227108
LibraryStrategy RNA-Seq
LibrarySelection cDNA
LibraryLayout PAIRED
InsertSize 150
InsertDev 311.773
Model Illumina HiSeq 2000
SRAStudy SRP012682
BioProject PRJNA75899
ProjectID 75899
Sample SRS637847
BioSample SAMN02791143
SampleType simple
TaxID 9606
ScientificName Homo sapiens
SampleName GTEX-13QIC-1626-SM-5K7TZ
Subject_ID 985098
Sex female
Tumor no
Analyte_Type RNA:Total RNA
Histological_Type Blood Vessel
Body_Site Artery - Tibial
CenterName BI
Submission SRA123108
dbgap_study_accession phs000424
Consent GRU
RunHash 478268EA67D40812258F63CDD4F1FE4A
ReadHash 4B32F0F08BF1C763FD72BCF414D77F76
How can modify my request, so that i could understand whether an archive has or has not been mapped? i.e. to understand whether there are mapped reads inside, or raw?
Thank you for your reply!
I've actually trying to obtain metadata for already downloaded files (they are controlled, but i have a key)
Can you specify what is it that i see in the output of your request?
each line is like:
does it mean, that all lines i see here have as first word (SRR7944888 in this example) an id of project which does indeed contain aligned reads inside?
If the reads are aligned, then the
output XML has the termAlignInfo
and some associated data. If all you want to know is whether the SRR accession you have comes with aligned reads or not, you can probably do something like this: