I have aligned my RNA-seq PE on Transcriptome with no gtf file available using Bowtie2.
Used Samtools to make bam files and sorted.
Used sambamba merge to merge the sorted bam replicates and resorted using samtools.
bowtie2 -x ../refrence-transcriptome -1 rep1_1.fq -2 rep1_2.fq -S sample1.sam --no-unal
samtools view -Sb 1.sam > 1.bam
samtools sort 1.bam -o 1_sorted.bam
samtools index 1rc_sorted.bam
sambamba merge mergesamples.bam 1.bam 2.bam 3.bam
I want to know what tools i can use to get counts with no gtf/gff/gff3 available and only have ref.fa?
thank you for guiding. reference genome is not available yet. I ll try salmon and let you know about the output. Thank you.