Dear all,
I was trying to do trimming using fastp for multiple paired end fastq files with the help of a shell script. The two (forward and reverse) fastq.gz files were formed by SRA toolkit using fastq-dump.
fastq-dump -I --split-files --gzip
When I try to run the two files for analysis by fastp I am unable to specify the two paired end files inside my shell script. I tried
for file1 in /path_to_files/*_1.fastq.gz
file2=${file1%%_1.fastq.gz }"_2.fastq.gz"
fastp -i ${file1} -I ${file2} -o ${file1}_trimmed.fastq.gz -O ${file2}_trimmed.fastq.gz
but it gives an error:
Error to read gzip file ............... the file doesn't exist.
I don't know where I am doing wrong and is there any alternative way to specify my two files one by one in a for loop
in bash shell for multiple files.
Any help will be much appreciated. Thanks!