I'm confused on Seurat's tutorial of integrating two datasets.
Seurat has this: nk.markers <- FindConservedMarkers(immune.combined, ident.1 = 7, grouping.var = "stim",print.bar = FALSE)
After I do this for every cluster, what should go into the feature plot? Seurat has this line of code, but I don't know where those genes come from. Is it the highest logFC (of conserved markers) from each cluster?
FeaturePlot(object = immune.combined, features.plot = c("CD3D", "SELL", "CREM", "CD8A", "GNLY", "CD79A", "FCGR3A", "CCL2", "PPBP"), min.cutoff = "q9", cols.use = c("lightgrey", "blue"), pt.size = 0.5)
Thanks for your help.