I have sequences from 6 bacterias (E. Coli and Salmonella). 6 samples have been sequenced using PacBio on 4 movies so I have 3 bax files for every movie (12 in total).
I converted bax file to bam using Bax2Bam and then I used Lima to do demultplexing (using a set of about 330 barcodes in fasta). The output of Lima = 4 bam files (= number of movie).
The question is, how can I filter/split that file by sample? I would like to get 6 file - each for every sample.
Thank you in advance.
Demultiplexing is usually splitting by sample. Were the right barcodes used?
Yes. In my fasta with barcodes there are about 300 barcodes...
What is the exact
command line you used to split the barcodes file? did you use the--split-bam
parameter?Yes, I tried with that function and lima created about 900 bam files (with barcode prefix) and I do not know how can I identified my samples (because of plenty BAM files).