Noob in need of some help here.
I'm trying to merge Human Origins data from the Reich Lab with Devil's Gate data "Genome-wide data from two early Neolithic East Asian individuals dating to 7700 years ago". Devil's Gate data can be acquired from, accession code PRJEB14817. From Devil's gate, I downloaded bam and bai files.
I used samtools to analyze the Devil's gate sample with map quality of 30 and base quality of 20, using hg19 fasta as ref and the Human Origins SNP file in NearEastPublic.tar.gz as the SNP file. When I run it, it gets errors from line 1, saying something about unable to parse line. So I'm obviously doing something wrong. Any means to rectify this? I'm trying to manipulate the Devil's gate BAM and bai files so that they can be merged with other data sets in Reich labs.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Can you please post the command you used and the error message.