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6.1 years ago
Dear all, I have bam or bigwig files from ChIP-seq data. IGV is a good tool to visualizing them, but there is some error when opening the saved svg file in adobe illustrator, so I cannot do modification and get the expected beautiful figures. Is there any other software that can visualize these files and produce beautiful, if possible, vector pictures? Thank you for your attention.
Peak files are generally in bed format and can be visualized in IGV and SVG images you can open in any Web browser.
Thank you for your contribution!
I typically open SVG in Inkscape, allowing to save as pdf. I am not well familiar with Illustrator but it should be able to open pdfs, right? Simply take the turn IGV-Inkscape -> pdf - Illustrator
Yeah, this is a very good idea! I checked this and get the expected pdf file. Thank you!