Is there a way to use custom gene sets using GSEA? I downloaded GSEApy and would love to use it within Python but if this is not possible then I can definitely use the commandline version.
For example, what if I had the following data:
# Gene list
gene_list = [
and then a bunch of gene sets like this:
gene_sets = {
"gene_set_1": ["gene_A", "gene_B", ...],
"gene_set_2":["gene_B", gene_C", ...],
"gene_set_100":["gene_A", "gene_T", ...]
I also have expression data for all of this with multiple samples if that could be used as well.
Is there still a way to run GSEA(py?) to figure out which gene sets are enriched?
I usually deal with microbiome datasets with de-novo called ORFs from prodigal so there are no gene ids that would be useable. A lot of my friends in cancer labs always talk about GSEA but I don't have the types of IDs that they use. Though, I still have "gene sets" that I could use so I feel like it could still apply.